
How to Applique...for those who've asked

The shirts are SO easy...you just need an idea, an iron and some cool stuff called "wonder under." I was SO scared to start, and now they are really fun!

1. You need to buy this stuff, "wonder under," it comes in a tube at Joannes

2. Draw your shape on the rough side of the WU paper, and cut it out.
3. Iron the rough side of your shape, to the wrongside of the fabric.
4. Cut out the shape in the fabric.
5. Peel of the backing off your fabric shape, and place it on the shirt and iron it.
6. Sew around the shape...you can do a straight stitch, a small zig-zag, or very close together zigzag...
...and wa la!
I wash and dry them like normal. If you do a straight stitch, the edges may fray a little, but I like that look. Anyway, good luck...and please share your ideas!


  1. Chelsea, Jessica Petersen here (we were going to go to Temple a couple years ago, then ended up going to Dalhousie). Anyway, this blog is my favorite blog to check bar none. You are an absolute inspiration to me!!! How you do all this stuff with two kids is beyond me, but I'm going to try and be more like you! :) Also, fun that my daughter's name is Elle too!

  2. Do you wash the applique fabric before applying to the shirt to prevent any weird shrinking?

  3. how did you get the brown edge? I like it!

  4. Chelsea,I went to school with your sister Miranda. I love you ideas I just posted a link to your blog through my blog poshideas.blogspot.com on your applique steps. Hope you don't mind a couple of extra readers :)
    Thanks for all your fun ideas.

  5. Fabulous! You have so much talent, Chelsea!

  6. Hi - I follow your blog and love it! My sister and I have recently started a new blog featuring tutorials, recipes, and ideas from some of our favorite sites. You were one of the blogs we picked for our first features! If you follow this link http://ificould-ificould.blogspot.com/p/featured-sites.html it will take you to a page where you can grab a button saying you were featured on if i could...

    We want to congratulate you on being one of our first features and look forward to featuring more of your cute posts! Thanks for helping us kick off the start of our blog!

