
Make Mothers Day Special #5: Start Hinting!

Time to start the hints. Now is about the right amount of time to hint, because it is enough time for him to actually do something, but not too much time that he still can forget! I like this line, but you can use any that work: "Honey, dont tell me what you are doing for me for mothers day...I really want it to be a surprise this year." If he starts to answer, (no matter what he is about to say) cut him off and say "no seriously, dont even hint at it, it will be so fun to find out on Mothers day! Im SO excited"
OK, so Lets review:
Making Mothers Day Special
1. Host a brunch for other mothers
2. Decide what you will wear and add any necessary accessories
3. Clean your house the day before
4. Make it about your mother
5. Start Hinting!

1 comment:

  1. OK So I ran into your blog through my friend Amanda's and I saw pics of those skirts you made. I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!! (and the shirts) I would be totally willing to buy one from you, do you make them for other people? I wish I would have run into your blog for the give away! Although I prob would not have won, I never win anything! Thats why I want to buy one. Love all the stuff you have on here so I am adding you to my blog!! Can you e-mail me and let me know?? aross3019@gmail.com Thank you so much!
