
A sip of yucky...

Well, dont say I didnt try. Here it is...kale, cucumber, apple juice & ginger. Lets say...not for me, I am going to stick with Zuka Juice.
Lets see how my kids liked it...

If the facial expression says anything, it wasn't so good...but, in reality, she drank a FULL cup. Maybe she could taste the apple!

Robbie just echoed me and said "WAY TOO MUCH GINGER." Then added, "it needs Pepper!"

Ill try again in a week or 2. I think i need to really tone down the ginger, and maybe add carrots or something.
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  1. kuddos to you and the kiddos for even trying something like that...i couldn't do it.

  2. But you're being so healthy/adventurous! :)

    Your kids are getting tan living there in the sunny south.
