
Easter Adult Table

My friend Kathy always decorated the table with a big bowl of strawberries...I had to continue the tradition this year.

I fretted and fretted over "favors" or something cute for each place setting...and in the end decided to really keep it simple.

My new trick to make a quick bowl stand is to turn one bowl upside down and set the other bowl on top of it. I have been doing that more and more lately and it worked perfectly for the sour cream in the strawberry bowl.

and, this year I lined up my strawberries and bananas in the trifle! It is so much cooler looking this way! (and probably takes 2 minutes longer!)
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  1. Yum-O! Gorgeous as usual. Thanks for the dip tip : )

  2. Hey, have that same tablecloth! Love it....your spread is beautiful as usual Chels!

  3. Oops, so sorry...this is Kate Christensen

  4. Looks amazing Chels!! The cupcakes from Jane's blessing look exactly like I remember getting from a bakery as a kid.. you really need to open some sort of business!

  5. I could seriously sit and look at your blog all day, Chelsea. You are incredibly creative, and I am super jealous of your mad sewing skills.

  6. Your blog is Gorgeous as usual...

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