
These are fun...

When I was in UT, I kept spotting these on people...and loved them. My friend Jody sat down and showed me the trick of the trade and now Im on fire. They are kind of addicting, so dont be surprised to see a couple more posts about them...especially because I couldnt figure out how to take a picture of myself to get headband!

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  1. Please share the "trick of the trade."

  2. i agree, we need a little tutorial on here! they are very cute. I've made some similar but yours look better. :) Tidier. do you roll the fabric somehow?

  3. I'm a blog stalker.
    But I'm with everyone...I am dying for a tutorial and the trick.
    Thanks in advance!

  4. I agree! Can you give a tutorial on how to make these? :D Looking for a YW's project!
    I'd appreciate any info, courtiwright@gmail.com
    I la-la-LOVE your blog. My favorite thing to peruse at night.
