
Elf Workshop Party

We just had a great party for Elle's fifth birthday.
This year, I decided to use a Christmas theme, because her birthday is so close to the Holiday.

(they are supposed to be Elf hats...I know they kind of look like Christmas trees)

I made a felt banner, welcoming the kids to the "Elf Workshop"

When the kids got here, we divided them into groups by color of elf hat.  We also gave them a name tag, so as not to confuse the 22 little elfs!

There were 4 little workshops:

Elf ornament workshop

Wrapping Present Workshop
(I gave them the bottom of a box at the beginning to collect all their crafts, and then when they got to this station, they wrapped the lid of the box, and put a tag on it.

Jingle Toy Station
(I played and played with ideas of how to make a simple jingle stick, and the best idea for their age, was just having them wrap twine (pre strung with bells) around a stick.  It worked great and they turned out darling!

Cookies for Santa Workshop:
they decorated cookies, and then I had prelabeled the bags to say "Santa's Cookies"

Snacks and Cake:
(the Elf EATERY)

We went with a simple Elf Hat, to go with the theme...It started out looking funny, but by the end, Rob and I were proud of our little cake!

crowd favorite...oh, and SO easy to make and look cute...3 good reasons to make chocolate and sprinkle dipped marshmallows on a stick.

Pirate booty...instead of cupcakes, as if they need more sugar!

Elle, in her elf outfit...proud to be the birthday girl!

I had a lot of great helpers...My Mom, sisters and friend Muranda all helped MAN the party!

Oh wait...then SANTA came!  He was darling and they had a lot of fun sitting on his lap.

Elle was hesitant at first, because he reminded her of her poppa...hmmm

Santa gave them each a penguin shaped ring pop.
Then, after the festivities were over, they took their wrapped present with all their goodies home with them.

the tags say:
Thank you for helping at the elf workshop today.
My birthday party was wonderful because of friends like you.
Love, Elle, the Birthday Elf
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