
Dare to Paint it...part 1

This is my ode to craft paint (which I started buying maybe a year ago!) It makes our lives so much better, if we dare to use it. So we bought this oil painting in a flea market in France last week (for about 10 Euros). It was in a cream colored dingy frame, but I was worried about the cost of a new frame because it isnt a standard size. Well, my aunt suggested that I paint it...which is exactly what I did. Since I am a beginner, I use the same method: Paint, sand, stain. I really like how it turned out!
We bought Robbie a carved wooden sword in Brugge, and I planned from the beginning to try and paint it. Again, I dared to do it (with Robbie's color choices, and I think it turned out great!

I know the sword is an odd gift for a little boy...but he always tells us stories about swording the bad guys!
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