
Scrappy Apron

After I made the quilts, I had LOTS of little scraps left over.  I was about to put them in the scrap fabric box...when it occured to me.  I could try to make an APRON!  I know I know, you have been making them for years...but these are my very first aprons.  I started with the little girl one (bottom left & far right) and then made one for myself.  I did NOT have a lot of large pieces to work with, so as you can see I just kept sewing pieces together to make it work.  
Hooray...no tiny scraps and a NEW apron! 

If you want a tutorial...let me know, Ill make one. 
I just kind of made up the design, but turned out cute if you ask me!
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  1. Adorable! Wish I had the patience to sew! xo

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. These are so stinking cute!!! If you have the time, I'd love the tutorial of this too!

  4. pretty please on the tutorial. and fast! i have a craft to come up with for my family reunion at the end of the month. :)

  5. Very cute, and a great way to use scraps. I would love to feature your tutorial if you make one!

  6. I'd love the tutorial if you don't mind! I'm a little late to the party but I just found you're site. You're so creative!

  7. i would love this tutorial!! Your are so Crafty!!!
