
Super Girl Costumes...

I definitely have not been doing a lot of projects (as you've probably noticed) over the past 7 months...being pregnant, sick, with 3 kids at home has finally done me in!   So, here and there I try to do something a little fun...or of course, necessary.  This time it was the girls halloween costumes.

I had the skirts, and Elle's shoes...so I had to make their shirts, capes, accessories, and Jane's boot covers.

It was fun picking out fabric, for this project and I think they came together nicely!  I found the symbols online, enlarged and printed them and then used them as a pattern for their super symbols (and Jane's hairclip)  I made the capes button on, so they could be reversible. 

They looked cute and had fun wearing them on Halloween...did I mention I am glad that Halloween is over?
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  1. Wow. Wow. Wow.
    Those are seriously the cutest costumes I have EVER seen!! Way to go!
    Makes me wish I had a little girl!

  2. i blog stalk you.

    and I LOVE the costumes. Really cute!

  3. I love your blog! I've been following for a while (I'm Emmy's friend and Brian Miller's sister-in-law). You're so talented, and your daughters are darling! I love the Halloween costumes! I seriously want the Batman one for myself. So cute.

  4. Love the costumes! What kind of fabric are the symbols made out of? Did you applique it like usual? I would probably have been afraid to try that fabric, but i LOVE it!

  5. So sweeeeeet!!! :-D
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Found you from Julie. These are fantastic costumes!
